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The recommended way to Create Wealth from equity -'Buy Right : Sit Tight'

‘Buy Right' means buying quality companies at a reasonable price and 'Sit Tight'
means staying invested in them for a longer time to realise the full growth
potential of the stocks.

It is a known fact that good quality companies are in business for decades but views about these companies change every year, every quarter, every month and sometimes every day! While many of you get the first part of identifying good quality stocks, most don’t stay invested for a long enough time. The temptation to book profits at 25% or 50% or even 100% returns in a 1 to 3 year period is so natural that you miss out on the chance of generating substantial wealth that typically happens over the long term; say a 10 year period.

‘Buy Right : Sit Tight’ philosophy emerged from the expertise of our sponsor Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd. that experience in equity market research and advisory since 1987. This philosophy drives all our equity products and offerings; be it Mutual Fund or Portfolio Management Services.

Buy Right:

Q-G-L-P approach to buying right stocks

  • Q

    Quality of business and management

  • G

    Growth in earnings and sustained RoE

  • L

    Longevity of the competitive advantage / economic moat of the business

  • P

    Buying a good business for a fair price rather than buying a fair business for a good price.

Sit Tight

Focus and Discipline

Buy & Hold

We are strictly buy and hold investors and believe that picking the right business needs skill and holding onto these businesses to enable our investors to benefit from the entire growth cycle, needs even more skill.


Our portfolios are high conviction portfolios with 20 to 25 stocks being our ideal number. We believe in adequate diversification but over-diversification results in diluting returns for our investors and adding market risk.